FAQ Answer

Q. What does Fusion search?


Fusion is a large library database that contains over 2 billion records based on metadata from thousands of publishers and providers. Content comes from:

  • EBSCO databases the library subscribes to as well EBSCO eBook collections 
  • Fusion core indexes, including Complementary, Supplemental, Academic Search, Business Source, eBook Index among others
  • EBSCO partner databases we subscribe to or that we choose to include, such as open access databases 

Fusion does not search all library databases. As an example, ProQuest databases are not included in Fusion; however, the vast majority of the actual articles in ProQuest databases are available as records from other products and publishers (but we have no way to determine what percentage).

By default, Fusion returns search results where the full-text is available or content is physically available in the library; it does not return all relevant results contained in the database unless one deselects the “Available in Library Collection” limiter.

Last Updated: Aug 05, 2022     Views: 300