FAQ Answer

Q. Why does EBSCO ask me to consent to its privacy and data policy before I connect to their databases?


In order to access Fusion and other EBSCO databases, you must consent to our database vendor EBSCO's Personal Data Retention and Usage policy. You may encounter the consent form when you are accessing EBSCO databases for the first time OR because you must re-confirm your consent to comply with new privacy regulations.

EBSCO consent form

If you do not consent, you will not be able to access EBSCO databases, including Fusion. This is because Gleeson Library has enabled the automatic creation of personal accounts for anyone using EBSCO databases. Your EBSCO personal account is linked to your OpenAthens account (OpenAthens is the authentication system for the library’s online resources) and ensures that you always have access to your EBSCO folder along with all of the resources and searches you save while doing research. The only information that is shared with EBSCO to automatically create your personal account is your university username and email address. More information is available on the library website.

Last Updated: Sep 24, 2020     Views: 149